Functional Neurology offers a unique approach to managing brain-related disorders that is often overlooked in conventional and alternative medicine.
Dr. Billing, with 13 years of post-doctoral neurology training and 23 years of practice, focuses on assessing and identifying brain disorders, addressing them effectively, and supporting brain health both neurologically and metabolically.
The integrated approach to treating brain-based conditions requires pioneers in this new paradigm of healthcare, as brain health care and prevention are urgently needed today in a burdened health care system and an aging population.
By harnessing the power of neuroplasticity, functional neurology aims to aid the brain in rewiring itself to overcome challenges or enhance overall cognitive function. This approach supports healthy neuroplasticity by providing the right stimulation and fuel for the nervous system to thrive and recover.

Balance testing
People with poor balance are more likely to suffer injury, heal slowly and have more chronic disease.
Poor balance is also associated with:
Falling, Anxiety, Motion Sickness
Headaches and Migraines
Arthritis, Sleep Apnea, Weight Gain
We are using a revolutionary system in the Pondera Balance Board. This system is used to evaluate your balance and will assign you a "balance age". The Pondera system will indicate if your problem is due to ocular, vestibular or proprioceptor issues (ie, is it your eyes, ears, cerebellum or spine).
Control of balance involves complex and inter-connected physiologic pathways for the purpose maintaining posture, facilitating appropriate movements, and restoring equilibrium. Much of the equipment we use in testing balance control can be used in therapy as well, in conjunction with exercises that are aimed to improve specific functional areas
Focus Builder
We use the Focus Builder app among other personally crafted eye movement training, brain rehabilitation. Patients achieve therapeutic benefits through eye movements such as gaze stability training, pursuits, saccades, anti-saccades, random saccades, memory saccades, hemistim, OPK, vergence testing and training, visual memory task and peripheral vision training. These specific types of eye exercises create more than just therapeutic benefits—they can improve brain function as well.
Interactive Metronome
Did you know that your brain has an “internal clock” that keeps time? And that it does so at various intervals: microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours? Timing in the brain (or what scientists call “temporal processing” is essential for the binary functionality of nerves (how long is the stimulation rate) Interactive Metronome® (IM) is an evidence-basedtraining and assessment tool.
IM is proven to improve cognition, attention, focus, memory, speech/language, executive functioning, comprehension, as well as motor and sensory skills.
Photobiomodulation (PBM)
A completely painless laser applied externally to stimulate the brain.
Laser therapy treatments help relieve pain
The laser's light beam goes into the body's tissue and speeds up the healing process by generating new and healthy cells. It increases blood supply, decreases inflammation, stimulates nerve function, and relieves acute and chronic pain.
Sensory Motor Integration
By using visual inputs from our eyes, vestibular inputs from our inner ear, and proprioceptive inputs from muscles and joints. All of these systems must be able to integrate with each other before any motor task can be properly executed.
Making your eyes work with your inner ear and then recallibrating the cerebellum to make eyes and inner ear them work with the rest of your body is another significant rehab protocol in a patients recovery
Vagal Stimulation
There are many benifits from stimulating the vagus nerve, there are a multitude of non invasive ways to activate it.
Suggestions include stimulating the gag reflex, gargling aggressively throughout the day, singing loudly, and breathing exercises.
In functional neurology we can also offer techniques in the office to help you stimulate the vagus nerve.
As with any strength-building exercise, to benefit from vagal nerve stimulation, it must be done consistently and assertively.
Virtual Reality
While most of us think of virtual reality in terms of entertainment, this technology has a place in neuro-recovery too. Virtual reality has been successfully used both as a diagnostic assessment and as a therapeutic tool by simulating a three-dimensional virtual world that allows you to experience visual, audio, and haptic feedback. You can even interact with and observe objects in 3D. Virtual reality training is most commonly used in rehabilitation therapy for balance dysfunction.
Cognitive Training
Daily exercise for your mind. Work out with a fresh set of games each day to keep you challenged. Detailed progress tracking helps maintain your brain training habit. After ten weeks, the Lumosity group improved in performance across a battery of cognitive assessments. In fact, they improved more than twice as much as the control group did.* More specifically, the Lumosity group showed statistically significant improvements on subtests of working memory, arithmetic reasoning, and processing speed.
Eyelight Therapy
Wearing your Eyelights, as little as 10 minutes a day, is scientifically proven to cause dramatic improvements in mental ability, balance, vision, alertness, ADD, ADHD, autism and so much more.
Eyelights have been researched for entancing BrainTraining (neuroplastisity) Enhancing sports performances (muscle memory & speed) and Learning and Memory (Study better and remember more!)
A real technological and medical miracle!
Hyperbaric medicine, also known as hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), describes the use of 95-100% oxygen at higher than normal pressures in order to speed up the recovery from certain injuries and to improve the body’s ability to heal from a variety of conditions.
We currently provide HBOT, our own Summit to Sea Grand Dive vertical chamber is a 1.5-1.7 ATM at 95-97% O2
Examination and monitoring eye movments and head positioning and hand to target accuracy, allows your doctors to assess and help improve hand-eye coordination, concentration, endurance, eye movement, reaction time, and peripheral vision. This dynamic laser tool may be included in your neuro-recovery program if you’ve had a stroke or traumatic brain injury and are experiencing cognitive deficits related to vision.
P.O.N.S. therapy
The Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNS™) is an authorized medical device in the United States. The PoNS device is indicated for use as a short term treatment of gait deficit due to mild-to-moderate symptoms from multiple sclerosis (“MS”) and is to be used as an adjunct to a supervised therapeutic exercise program in patients 22 years of age and over by prescription only.
Receptor Based Therapies
Leveraging functional neurology to optimize nervous system function refers to the process of stimulating the CNS with the goal of restoring optimal functional connectivity. It relies on two critical elements for its success: the first neurogenesis and the second neuroplasticity. Neurogenesis refers to the creation of new neurons, while neuroplasticity refers to the ability of our nervous system to rewire and optimize itself.
Electrical Stimulation
Non invasive Neurostimulation is a non-pharmacological interventions that have been used include non-invasive neuromodulation techniques, such as:
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS),
transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS),
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS),
functional electrical stimulation (FES)
Research for use with Functional Movement Disorder (FMD). It can be used to directly stimulate underperforming Cranial Nerves and activate the brainstem nuclei.
Vestibular Rehabilitation
The vestibular nuclei, located in the brain stem, can become affected with brain trauma, causing dizzines, vertigo and imbalance. You may even feel like there is a boat in your brin. Diagnostics tests you may take if you have these side effects are VNG, Right Eye, and the D2 lightboard amongst others. The goals of VRT are 1) to enhance gaze stability, 2) to enhance postural stability, 3) to improve vertigo, and 4) to improve activities of daily living. more >
Visual Integration Exercises
Every brain region is involved with vision, and normal visual perception requires a functioning Ocular Motor Systems to control the position and movement of the eyes to focus. By using tools like Videonystagmograpy (VNG) and Right Eye, we can review aberrant eye movements to identify areas of brain dysfunction.
The integration of prescription individualised eye movement exercises are a great way to enhance and upgrade any current balance regimen or fall reduction program.