Low level laser therapy
Laser Therapy is a new treatment option we now offer in our office! The laser goes into the body's tissue and speeds up the healing process by generating new and healthy cells. It increases blood supply, decreases inflammation, stimulates nerve function, and relieves acute and chronic pain. Class IV Laser Beam strength and innovative probe allows an effortless and contact-free therapy. Safe, efficient and deep.
laser therapy can help...
Acute and Chronic Pain Back and Neck Pain Bulging, Herniated or Slipped Discs Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) Arthritic Conditions Post Surgical Recovery Headaches and Migraines Sports Injuries Sprains and muscle tears Reconstructive Surgery Plantar Fasciitis And most joint, muscle, circulatory and inflammatory conditions Drug-free, surgery-free, painless, non-invasive treatments for pain relief, faster healing, reduced inflammation, and comfort.
how does it work?
Low level visible red to near infrared light (NIR) energy is absorbed by mitochondria and converted into ATP for cellular use. (Like your skin absorbs sunlight UVA to make melanin and Vitamin D) In addition, the process creates mild oxidants (ROS), which leads to gene transcription which is a "switch on" signal to cellular repair and healing. The process also unclogs the chain that has been clogged by nitric oxide (NO).[ref:1] Nitric oxide is a molecule that our body produces to help its 50 trillion cells communicate with each other. This communication happens by transmission of signals throughout the entire body. Additionally, nitric oxide helps to dilate the blood vessels and improve blood circulation.
LLL therapy research
2017 - American College of Physicians Guidelines include a "strong recommendation" for Low-Level Laser Therapy as a non-invasive Treatments for Acute, Subacute & Chronic Low Back Pain. Click here
2016 - BMJ PBM for chronic non-specific low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials found "moderate quality of evidence" and "clinically important benefits" in the short term. Click here
2014 - 30% reduction of the costs of hospitalisation in PBM Oral Mucositis patients. Click here
2014 - MASCC guideline revisions recommend use of PBM to reduce the incidence and severity of Oral Mucositis. Click Here
2013 - Journal Applied Oral Science. TMJ Systematic review "it seems clear that the use of laser brings benefits when properly applied and administered". Click Here
2012 - Multinational Association for Supportive Cancer Care (MASSC) systematic review recommends PBM for oral mucositis. Click here
2011 - European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) systematic review suggest PBM for reducing duration and severity of oral mucositis. Click here
2011 - British Medical Journal (BMJ) Clinical Guidelines for tennis elbow "Likely to be beneficial for short-term pain relief & improvement of function". Click here
2010 - The International Association for the Study of Pain (Global Task Force on musculoskeletal pain) recommend laser for myofascial pain syndrome. Click here
2010 - British Journal of Sports Medicine, systematic review of surgical and conservative interventions for frozen shoulder found "strong evidence" for PBM. Click here
2010 - American Physical Therapy Association guidelines recommend PBM for Achilles tendonitis. Click here
2009 - The Lancet "PBM reduces pain immediately after treatment in acute neck pain and for up to 22 weeks in patients with chronic neck pain". Click here
2008 - World Health Organisation (Bone and Joint Task Force) recommended PBM for neck pain. Click Here